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Brookstone of Aledo 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt 

  • 405 Southeast 13th Avenue Aledo, IL, 61231 United States (map)

“Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!

We will have 4 age groups ages 1-4, 5-9, and 10-13, 13-105.

One lucky individual will receive a prize for finding the GOLDEN EGG in each age group.

We hope to see you there!

There will be no rain date for this event.
Follow this event page for updates on the day of the event for cancellations due to weather.

For questions about our event or wanting to donate, call Lisa Wessels Executive Director at 309-582-3902.”

See page details here!

April 13

Sun-Daydrinking with Ryan

May 3

City Wide Yard Sales - New Boston