Food + Drink

We have a wide variety in our list of local places to eat.

Here in MerCo you can find a variety of breakfast, lunch, and dinner food options. Looking for a sweet treat? We have you covered on that too!

Bar and Grills

Restaurants and Fast Food


Coffee and Sweet Treats

A muffin front The Bean Field in Viola, Illinois.

The Bean Field Coffee House, located in Viola, Illinois, is the best place to bring your family, a date, or to come and enjoy solo!

If you don’t have time to sit down, you can grab a quick cup on your way at the drive thru.

Koffee Junktion Logo

Koffee Junktion is located in Aledo, Illinois, and offers its guests fresh coffee, baked goods, and sweets!

The unique drive-thru location makes this the place to swing by and get your caffeine for the day.

Logo for The Twisted Goat

Goat milk ice cream? Yep, you heard us right!

Located in Preemption, Illinois, this is a unique experience here in MerCo. Satisfy that sweet tooth and try something new.

Locally Owned and Operated Markets