“Register on the link below for the ‘24/‘25 school year:
All families (Nursery-5th grade) can register on the link above or contact Mollie Dunn at (309)371-6962 to get them signed up for easy check-in on Wednesdays. Check out what's coming up this session.
Fall '24 Kids Club Details
Kids ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to join us for the Fall '24 session of Kids Club at FBC, Aledo, IL on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm from Sept. 4th-Nov. 13th. *Mark your calendar for the Winter/Spring '25 session starting Feb. 5th through April 9th.
What’s Kids Club?
It’s a bunch of fun, that’s what it is! This fall session, kids will learn about “The New Church” from Gospel Project. We have so much fun playing games, engaging in Bible activities, eating yummy snacks, and making new friends.
Kids Club T-shirts & Sweatshirts:
Want a Kids Club shirt? CLICK HERE to pre-order: https://registrations.planningcenteronline.com/.../2411322
*****Extra t-shirts in limited sizes and quantities will be available for purchase once the pre-order closed.
Service Project Goals:
Food Pantry War: Boys vs. Girls: Kids Worship, Sunday School, & Kids Club kiddos (Pre-k through 5th grade) are collecting non-perishable food and hygiene items for the Mercer County Food Pantry through November 13th. A donation box for the each team will be in the lobby. Each item (or dollar) donated will count for 1 point. Who's going to win? Who knows but the winners will get their very own victory party to celebrate (Date/Time TBA).
Operation Christmas Boxes: We're collecting filled Christmas Boxes that are due the last night (Nov. 13th). Boxes with instructions will be available in the church lobby in September. Bring the boxes back and put on the stage by Nov. 13th. Thanks for your help in blessing kids all over the world.
Bible Memory Challenges: Kids will have Bible Memory Verses that go along with this sessions's lessons. They will practice at church but are encouraged to practice at home. For each verse they recite, they will get a prize. Kids can recite during their Bible Memory stations anytime during the session to get their prize on the spot.
Fun Nights this Session:
Sept. 18th- Silly Feet Night: Kids & crew are invited to dress up their feet with silly socks, mismatched shoes/socks, or whatever their hearts desire. Shoes can be parked in their crew circle in the sanctuary for the evening.
Oct. 2nd- PJs & Donuts: Kids & crew are invited to wear comfy PJs and will enjoy yummy donuts during snack time.
Oct. 16th- Mystery Bag Show & Tell: Kids & crew can grab one of our mystery bags or use one from home to hide an object they'd like to talk about. It can be a picture of a pet/family member, a favorite stuffie, an object representing a hobby, or whatever they'd like. No live pets, please. If kids forget to bring something, they can draw a picture of what they'd like to talk about at Kids Club before they share.
Oct. 30th- Family Movie Night: NO Kids Club, adult classes, or Refuge Youth Group. Families are invited to join us in the sanctuary for pizza, a movie, and snacks. The schedule: 5:30pm- Doors open, get settled, & eat pizza/
6-8pm-Movie & Snacks. *Kids must have an adult or older sibling with them. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for this free, indoor family event.
Nov. 13th- Hawaiian Luau Party (Last Night): We're ending the fall session with a fun luau to celebrate the kids and ALL their help with food pantry donations and Christmas Boxes. *Kids & crew are invited to wear island attire.
Kids Club/Nursery Check-in:
Check-in is from 6:15-6:30pm through the FRONT lobby doors. No early arrivals, please. Please go up the ramp (to the left of the front door) to enter the line in order. Pre-register in advance to make this process faster.
Security Tag: All kids must have an adult present at check-in so they can collect the security tag needed for pick-up. No door drop-offs.
NEW>>Where do kids go once they get checked-in? ALL Crews will go to the sanctuary to find their crews this session. Their crew number is located on their name tag.
Nursery: Adults taking classes or volunteering can check-in their little ones (2 and younger) along with their Kids Clubbers at the nursery door so they can get their pager. If you have nursery kiddos, skip the line and check-in your whole family at the nursery door.
Pick-up is 8-8:10pm:
All Kids Club participants will be picked up in the sanctuary.
We ask that adults picking up Kids Clubbers enter the line outside the sanctuary door with their security tag. The doors will not open until all crews are in the sanctuary at 8:00. Please pick-up kiddos by 8:10.
Thanks for sharing your kiddos with us! Have a Question or Need help Registering?
Contact: Mollie Dunn (Children's Pastor)